How it Works

You’ll quickly discover using Sitepics couldn’t be simpler, but let’s run through the basics to get you started.

Sitepics is a picture management system with an App and Web interface. All users can log in and view pictures via either interface and the same user name and password works for both.

Create your personal login and company account here, then download via Apple App Store or Google Play.

Please read below for setup and user instructions:


User Account Structure

The first step is to register as a user. Click on Sign up / Log in up the top right of this page.

If you have not received an invite to join a company, after registration of your personal log in, you can create a new company.

If you want to join an existing company, have an admin for that company log into the Web UI and send you an invite. The invite must be sent to the registered Sitepics email.

The next time you log in, you will see the invite. Simply click to join.



Company Account / Web UI

All pictures on Sitepics are owned by the company account in which they are taken. A user can be invited and join one or more company accounts.

If you have been invited as staff, you can see all pictures in the company account, if you have been invited as contractor you can see only pictures you have taken on behalf of that company. Admins can see all pictures as well as invite users, update settings and add/edit billing info.

To switch between companies, on the app click on the current company account name up top in the header. In the Web UI, this is up the top right.



The App

The app is easy and intuitive. When first opened you land on the Sitepics feed, where you will see pics stream in from other staff members. here you can filter via address or user.

To take a photo, access the camera icon bottom center. Snap a pic and let it load. Here, you can edit the address – though please note, if you fine tune the map pin icon, Sitepics usually corrects the address to the new marked location, so try this first – You can also add notes to your photo(s) and send the picture(s) to other users or email recipients.

You will notice your new picture is loaded to the drafts page in the app. You can add more pics in your drafts by clicking the camera button again, before clicking save later. This can be handy if you are walking around on a site visit with limited time to make notes as you go.

If you leave site without saving your drafted series of photos, they will remain there until you upload them, so the next time you go to take pics at a different site, your previous site visit series should auto-save. It’s best however to upload your photos as you go from site to site, particularly if your next inspection is in close proximity. 

Send to features 

Users can share individual pics to anyone on and off Sitepics, however this is done picture by picture and is auditable. Via the app or Web UI, find the picture in your homepage (company feed) and click the  icon (App) or the ‘Send to’ button (Web UI).

If the recipient has Sitepics, they will receive the picture as a new Topic. A pic that can be commented on and closed out, as well as easily referenced at a later date. If the recipient doesn’t have Sitepics, they will receive the pic as a .pdf email attachment.

You can also share pics via a public URL. Go to single pic view within the Web UI, and click on Generate URL. Copy and paste this into documents such as invoices and the recipient can view the photo. Please note this is displayed to the recipient without contextual data, so even if it was discovered by chance, no one would know the origins from which the photo came.