Data Security

Sitepics represents a quantam leap for companies looking to gain control over photos taken by staff and contractors.

Photos that would otherwise be mixed up in personal photo albums. Photos that would otherwise exit the business with the individual.




Granular SecurIty controls

Control access to suit your business

By default, pictures taken by the Sitepics App do not store to staff and contractor personal photo rolls. All contextual and text data including site notes and comments are encrypted.

Permissions are applied when you invite a user, be it access to all photos or just the photos a particular user has shot. Users can still share individual pics to other users on platform or off platform, however this is fully audit-able.

Corporate accounts can apply for segregated web domain with active directory support.


Your Photos – Now and Always

You own your pictures, we will never share them or sell them with third parties – We’ll never sell out to Facebook or any company who’s primary business is advertising. That’s our guarantee (or your money back). Read our User Licensing Agreement for further information

If you want to quit Sitepics, we make it easy for you download all your pictures from the Web UI and delete your account.